Play Like a Champion


Play Like a Champion
Coach Course (Secondary)

Play Like a Champion Parent Education

Monday November 25, 2019
6:00pm ~ SHDHS Media Center

The Play Like a Champion Today Educational Series sees coaching as a ministry.  Coaches’ primary role is to serve children to fully develop their human potential as God’s daughters and sons. The ministry of coaching involves protecting the joyful dimension of sports as competitive play and the educational dimension of sports as fostering children;s physical, social, moral, and spiritual development.

Play Like a Champion staff travel to your school community to launch a partnership. We also can prepare leaders in your school to continue to spread the Play Like a Champion philosophy with your coaches, parents and athletes. The “Train the Trainer” model allows the expertise of the Play Like a Champion Today Educational Series staff to fit with the unique character, size, and identity of particular schools or leagues.

  • Make sports fun for all of the players

  • Create a welcoming and inclusive team environment

  • Develop the mind, body, and soul of their players

  • Set mental, physical, and moral goals with young athletes

  • Build a team in which all athletes feel accepted and cared for

  • Give athletes a sense of  ownership and control of their sports experience.

  • Re-define winning as the achievement of team-set goals

  • Build lasting, strong relationships with parents

All Play Like a Champion coach clinics utilize the GROW approach.
Goals + Relationships + Ownership = Winning

Using the GROW approach, coaches leave Coaching As Ministry clinics with the preparation required to build a team that succeeds on the field, and to guide young athletes to mature into people with strong moral fiber and healthy lifestyles. Results show that the Play Like a Champion approach to coaching leads to an improved sport experience for all:

  • Student-athletes are happier in sports and stay active for more years in sports.

  • Coaches gain an increased sense of pride in the work they are doing as ministers of the church.

  • Parents report greater satisfaction with their children’s youth sports experience.

  • Officials feel respected and appreciated,

  • Administrators enjoy the benefits of having professionally prepared coaches committed to the distinct Catholic mission of their school.


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