Join Crusader parents inside the SHDHS gymnasium this 2020-2021 basketball season with your very own cutout. As we continue through a basketball season unlike any other, have grandparents, family, and friends put on their favorite Crusader gear and purchase a fan cutout so that they can be in the stands on all home basketball game days. By purchasing a fan cutout for $25 you will also be supporting the SHDHS athletic department.
Fan cutouts will be located throughout the home section of the stands opposite of the team bench. All orders need to be submitted by Dec. 18th. Fan cutouts will be available for pickup at the end of the year.
By submitting a photo, please use good judgment. No offensive, obscene, explicit, negative, or discriminatory content. No alcohol, illegal drugs, tobacco, or firearms. No political or religious content and only one person per photo.
Purchase your fan cutout by Friday, December 18th.