SHDHS Athletic Boosters

The primary purpose of the St. Henry Boosters is to promote and support the athletic interests of St. Henry District High School. Our Boosters organization also assists the athletic director, coaches, and other associated personnel of St. Henry District High School to:

  • Develop and maintain the athletic programs and the various athletic facilities and equipment in keeping with the high standards of the school.
  • Utilize the athletic program as a positive force to build an enthusiastic school and tradition.
  • Develop and maintain an active interest and support for the athletic program among the parents, students, and alumni of SHDHS.
  • Provide financial support for the athletic program by means of fundraising activities.
  • Provide a fun, interactive, social environment for all of its members.

What else we have done over the years to support our SHDHS and our Athletic Programs…

  • Helped fund the rubberized track.
  • Paid for new track equipment.
  • Paid for new storage facility.
  • Helped fund new Athletic Department’s utility vehicle.
  • Helped fund new soccer practice facility.
  • Provided funding to all sports teams to help pay for game expenses, uniforms, etc.
  • Provided funding for needed maintenance of athletic facilities and equipment.
  • Provided and managed concessions for majority of our sports teams.
  • Provided scholarships to graduating seniors.
  • Provided grants to other organizations within SHDHS.
  • Developed the plans, architecture, and funding plans/budget for a new Press box for the SHDHS Stadium.
  • Developed the plans, architecture, and funding plans/budget for a very special Mary Grotto that all SHDHS can be proud and enjoy.
  • Helped fund irrigation system for soccer practice fields.
  • Established a “Future Maintenance Fund” to help pay for major maintenance of our athletic facilities (example, soccer field recrowning and returfing, baseball field recrowning, etc.).
  • Provided concession equipment to improve our concessions.
  • Provided drinks for every Athletic team banquets.
  • Assisted with payment for SHDHS & SHAC Renovations and the purchase of necessary equipment for our athletes.
  • Helped fund acoustic panels and sound boards for the SHDHS Gymnasium
  • Helped fund the renovation of the SHDHS Weight Room
  • Provided funding for the establishment of the SHDHS Broadcast Team
  • Provided funding for the SHDHS Crusader of the Year Award Nominee Medals given to Athletes at Baccalaureate
  • Provided funding for Championship T-shirts given to teams that win All A State or KHSAA District, Regional, or State Champions
  • Provide funding to support the construction of the SHDHS Spirit Shop
  • Provide funding to support needed Bus Repairs
  • Provide funding to support the Athletic Department Uniform Rotation (Boys & Girls Soccer, Boys XC/Track & Field, Boys & Girls Bowling)

SHDHS Boosters Executive Committee

President – Tony Logan –
Vice President – Jerry Crowder –
Treasurer – Kevin Shea –
Athletic Director – Jim Demler
Sergeant of Arms – Sue Kolkmeier